Amazing Wonderful Fun Facts

Learn a bit more about me, I guess.

(Insert crafty title here)

Personally, I like to do a lot of different things and have too many hobbies. I’ve traversed through a wide array of real-life and online communities. There’s not really anywhere I can display some of this information, so here’s my little ‘fun fact’ corner. (You can also consider this my brag sheet if you want.)

There’s a chance that I’ll further populate this specific post about some of my eccentric hobbies and experiences… over time. (I hope…)

1) I played Pokemon TCG on a VERY competitive level

I use to play the Pokemon Trading Card Game competitively for three years, from 2014 to 2016. I competed in two state championships, three regional championships (Top 16 in 2015), three national championships, and the world championships in 2016. Someday I’d like to get back into playing competitively again, however trading card games demand the three most important things that I can never have a sufficient amount of: time, money, and practice. (well, travel too.) Playing the Pokemon TCG competitively taught me a lot about logic, strategy, relationships, and luck.

Here’s some photos from when I use to play. Feel free to roast me in these pictures.

2) I use to moderate the QuackityHQ Discord server

Several years ago, I was really into chat moderation. From mid-2017 to early 2018, I was an official chat moderator for the QuackityHQ Discord server. As a chat moderator, I had actively enforced some fairly strict rules within the voice and text channels. From there I had met, collaborated, and even befriended many diverse people from all over the world. The server had only consisted of around 10,000+ members during this time, however, as of 2020, there are over 200,000+ members. I eventually grew out of wanting to do chat/server moderation after I wanted to further pursue my passion for digital art.

3) I co-authored a book during the coronavirus pandemic

In the summer of 2020, I co-authored a book that was published on Amazon called “Septem Crisis”. The book is a piece of collaborative work composed between myself and 9 other teenage authors during the coronavirus pandemic. Feel free to check it out here

4) I’ve taken over 10 different CTE tutorials throughout my middle & high school career

Since my eighth grade year of middle school, I’ve enrolled in over ten different CTE tutorials, ranging from STEM (including Information Technology), Law/Public Safety, and Arts / A/V Technology-based tutorials. I’ve also worked closely with my school districts’ CTE department as a student ambassador ( and I really do miss those times :( ).

5) I recieved my CompTIA A+ Certification in mid-November 2020

After 10 months of nonstop studying for my certification wih a 4 month long coronacation-styled halt in the middle, I finally paid off my hours of studying to acquire an entry-level certification to the IT workforce. As of Feburary 2021, I am currently studying for the CompTIA Network+ and Cisco CCNA certification.

6) Did Cyberpatriot for the first and last time- 2nd in Texas, Platinum division.

A friend of mine offered me to join their Cyberpatriot team back in fall 2020. I accepted their offer, and for my first (and last) time doing Cyberpatriot, I personally think I scored pretty darn high. Before round 3, we were first in the state. Despite not qualifying for the semifinals round, it was a really entertaining experience that challenged my security skills.

Erica Miller
Student, Freelancer

I’m me.
